Thursday, May 3, 2007

We're all individuals

Guardian columnist Charlie Brooker discusses why he doesn't get fashion:

"If Grazia magazine printed an article declaring it fashionable to smack yourself in the forehead with a limited-edition ball-pein hammer designed exclusively by Coleen McLoughlin, a mob would form outside your local B&Q before the ink had dried on the page.
It's a mystery to me. If the whole point of fashion is to distinguish yourself from the herd, why queue up to be part of it? Am I missing something here?"

You can read the full article here.

The Life of Brian - We're all individuals

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is the same guy who wrote TV Go Home (early 2000s spoof website) and Nathan Barley (one of the funniest 6 parters in a long time).